
It appears that the 最受欢迎的 baseball player in the world is the victim in a story of deception and betrayal. 

Shohei Ohtani, a Japanese native and pitcher/designated hitter for the Los Angeles Dodgers, allegedly had $16M stolen from him over the course of the last few years by his once trusted confidant and translator, 总部Mizuhara, according to a criminal complaint filed jointly by the 美国国税局’s criminal division, 美国国土安全部(Department of Homeland Security)和美国联邦调查局(united states Department of Security.S. 加州中区检察官办公室. 

这个故事既复杂又悲伤 U.S. 马丁·埃斯特拉达律师, “Mr. Mizuhara stole this money largely to finance his voracious appetite for illegal sports betting.” 

Sports betting has grown significantly in recent years as many states have legalized the activity, however; California is not one of those states. Mizuhara在足球上下注, 足球和其他运动(不包括棒球)通过非法博彩公司获得, 马修·鲍耶.  Unlike the popular online sports betting sites where you are not permitted to make a bet for an amount in excess of your account balance, illegal bookmakers may allow you to bet on “credit” and choose amounts to settle on when winnings or losses reach a certain threshold.  Mizuhara was not a successful gambler and accrued large debts while betting with Bowyer. 


The case is quite unique in the sense that Ohtani speaks little English and relied on Mizuhara to help him set up an account at a bank branch in Arizona in 2018. 大谷从他以前的球队那里直接收到了他的薪水, 洛杉矶天使队, 进入这个账户.  Although Ohtani relied heavily on Mizuhara to help him navigate most aspects of life in the 美国, 大谷从未允许水原访问他的银行账户. 

2021年末, 因为水原开始和鲍耶打赌输掉大笔钱, Mizuhara allegedly changed the phone number and email address associated with Ohtani’s account to his own information. In February 2022, Mizuhara called Ohtani’s bank and falsely identified himself as Ohtani. Mizuhara, claiming to be Ohtani, stated he needed to wire funds to Bowyer for a car loan. 

Mizuhara的第一次请求没有成功, but he did call the bank back and eventually gained access to Ohtani’s account by answering Ohtani’s security questions correctly. Because Mizuhara assigned the phone number associated with the account as his own, 他能够通过电话与银行员工确认大笔汇款. 

在2021 - 2024年期间, more than $16M was wired from Ohtani’s account to Bowyer’s account without Ohtani’s knowledge, 刑事诉讼称. Mizuhara also allegedly denied account access to Ohtani’s financial advisors and accountants, 声称大谷是希望限制他们进入的人. 

Typically, banks institute multi-factor authentication requirements when performing wire transfers. These authentication procedures were allegedly in place on Ohtani’s account, but because the account phone number and email address were linked to Mizuhara’s information, Mizuhara allegedly confirmed wire transfers and operated without detection by Ohtani until March 2024.

The alleged Mizuhara wire fraud case highlights the desperate measures that individuals may resort to when gripped by addiction. 

Mizuhara’s alleged betrayal of trust of Ohtani is poignant as the two became each other’s closest friends in the world and Mizuhara was someone whom Ohtani relied on to be his ears and voice in the 美国. 

从银行业的角度来看, banks may have controls in place to prevent wire fraud and also to understand the risks associated with customer activity. 然而, it is difficult for even the most well-developed control environments to counteract the alleged deception displayed by 总部Mizuhara. If you want to 阅读更多 about controls that can be put into place to help to detect and prevent wire fraud, 点击这里.


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